Thursday, June 12, 2008

14&15 June- Weekend Hindraf Activities

Vanakam Makkal Sakthi,

HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi will be conducting some events in this weekend at various location to continue urge the govt to release the Hindraf
5 and listen to our 18 demands.

Please do join in the events to show our unity in the struggle towards the discrimination and seek of justice to our community whom serve and loyal as Malaysian.
Below are the activities details,

1. Fathers Day appeal
Date : 14th June 2008 (Sat), 10.30 am
Venue : Istana Negara, KL.
Contact : Mr. Sambu at (012-274-9016)

Objective : Conjuction of Father's Day, seventy (70) children mix of HINDRAF and other races will lead a procession to the Agong's Palace to present him with seventy (70) teddy bears as a Father's day gift. This symbolic act is to show that at least seventy (70) children have been denied the right to celebrate father's day with their fathers who are held as detainees in Kamunting under the cruel and inhuman ISA.
On this day, the Agong shall play the role of the father for these children as all Malaysians are his loyal citizens irrespective of their color, race, religion or following.
We invite HINDRAF supporters to contact Mr. Sambu at (012-274-9016)
should you wish to include your child/children to join this historic and symbolic occasion.

2. Temple Prayers
Date : 14th June 2008 (Sat), 7.30pm
Venue : Sri BalaGanesha Alayam, Bt Arang, S'gor
Contact : Mr Shan or Mr Pragala 012 6127922

Objective : Prayers for Hindraf leaders release and betterment of Msian Indians.

3. Car/Motor Convoy - Abolish ISA Campaign at Klang Valley
Date : 15th June (Sunday), 8.30 am
Venue : Rawang, Sg Tua (Start Point) and Klang (Finish Point)
Contact : Mr Chandra 016-3734615 or Ravi at 012-5675274

Objective : Campaign of awareness and support of Abolishing the Draconian law ISA and release of the Hindraf 5. Plan to go around Klang Valley to create awareness.

4. Car/Motor Convoy - Abolish ISA Campaign at Butterworth, Penang
Date : 15th June (Sunday), 8.30 am
Venue : Dewan Haji Badwi, B'worth to Kepala Batas (Finish Point).
Contact : Mr Anba 012-4071867 or Velan at 019 4970166

Objective : Campaign of awareness and support of Abolishing the Draconian law ISA and release of the Hindraf 5. Plan to go around Butterworth, S.Jaya, Sg Dua and to end in Kepala Batas. Later to join a FORUM ISA held in Kepala Batas.

Thanking all in advance, be present to show your unity and support towards the Hindraf struggle fighting for our Malaysian Indians Rights.

" Even the least work done for others awakens the power within. Even thinking the least amount good for others gradually instills into the heart, the strength of a lion. Get up, and put your shoulders to the wheel. How long is this life for? As you have come into the world, leave some mark behind. Otherwise, where is the difference between you and the trees and stones?" — Swami Vivekananda

Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi
Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi
Vaalge HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi

Kannan R
Hindraf National Event Coordinator

Pls pass this around thru emails/ blog posting and sms. Thx

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